Standard Hours: Veterinary Associates Takanani

During business hours we provide immediate attention and no booking is required. Where possible, ask someone to call ahead and let us know you are on your way.

After Hours: Reproduction Care

For pet owners we have been assisting with reproduction services, we try to make ourselves available after hours. Please call our clinic and our answering service will let you know if we are available, or recommend an alternate after hours services. Please note after hours care is for reproduction and existing customers only.

After Hours Alternate: Manukau Veterinary Clinic

If for any reason you cannot get hold of our vet, Manukau After Hours Veterinary Clinic are available 8pm to 8am weekdays and 24 hours all weekends. They are located at 15 Jack Conway Avenue, Manukau City Centre.

(09) 299 8250

Opening Hours

Weekdays: 8am – 6pm
Saturday: 9am – 5pm
Sunday: Closed

Consultation is by appointment. Please phone for an appointment. We don’t like to keep you waiting. Emergencies are seen at short notice!

152A Great South Road
Takanini, 2112 Auckland