Vaccination Is Important!

Mankind’s feline companion has been known for grace, elegance and often times a feisty side. However, what cats are not known for are the potential diseases lurking behind those soft non-threatening eyes. Nonetheless, thanks to vaccinations not only can cats be protected from infectious diseases but can give cat owners the assurance of patting and grooming their cats without spreading contagious diseases to their other feline friends.

When do cats need to be vaccinated?

Visiting a vet not only will grant you access to professional help but will also provide good advice on the best way to ensure the health of your cat. Consultations at vets often provide instructions for when and how frequent a cat is to get vaccinated, based on the age of the cat and the type of vaccine the cat will need in the future.

Are vaccines risky?

The potential risk vaccines pose to cats is almost non-existent, the professional services provided at your vet will ensure that your cat is kept safe and well looked after. Though cats have often been attributed to having nine lives this sadly is not the case, therefore having your cat vaccinated should be a top priority right from the start.

The cost of vaccinations

The discouraging fact that vaccines and visiting vets can unfortunately be quite costly, might deter a lot of cat owners from ever taking the initiative of getting their cats vaccinated. Regardless, though the investment of vaccinating your cat certainly is a justifiable cost and with some vets there is a possibility of negotiating prices and even coming up with feasible payment options. The truth of the matter is that owning a pet is costly and will require a lot of responsibility and care. Making the decision to own a pet should be done with thoughtful consideration and expectation that it will require money to ensure the health of your cat and the protection yourself.

Vaccinations required:

Cats worldwide will receive core vaccines based on where they live. In Australia this is the feline parvovirus or panleukopenia, feline calicivirus and feline herpes virus (feline rhinotracheitis). Other vaccines may be recommended by your vet depending on where you live and your cat’s lifestyle. Your cat will need to receive a full regime of vaccinations as a kitten and boosters on an annual basis or as recommended by your vet.

We recommend vaccinating against feline immunodeficiency virus (cat aids) , especially if your cat will be allowed to roam outside.